
供應中YAMAHArefaceCP合成器鍵盤內建喇叭、舞台表演、編曲錄音.YAMAHArefaceCP合成器鍵盤效果介紹:.揚聲器單元–這個效果新增了破音(Distortion),以搭配現有音色 ...,I'ddefinitelygofortheDX.PlayingpianosoundsonthoseminiCPkeyswouldbenofun,eventhoughIdon'thaveanythingagainstminikeysas ...,ButCPscoreshigheroverallbecauseitistheultimaterefacepackage:instant,handson,greatsound,andonekeyboardthatyou'llwantt...

YAMAHA reface CP 合成器鍵盤

供應中 YAMAHA reface CP 合成器鍵盤 內建喇叭、舞台表演、編曲錄音. YAMAHA reface CP 合成器鍵盤效果介紹:. 揚聲器單元– 這個效果新增了破音( Distortion ),以搭配現有音色 ...

Yamaha Reface. CP or DX?

I'd definitely go for the DX. Playing piano sounds on those mini CP keys would be no fun, even though I don't have anything against mini keys as ...

Yamaha Reface Review - Conclusion

But CP scores higher overall because it is the ultimate reface package: instant, hands on, great sound, and one keyboard that you'll want to ...

reface - 概述- 合成器- 合成器和音樂製作工具- 產品- Yamaha

reface行動迷你鍵盤重現了Yamaha合成器的經典之作, ... reface. reface. 概述 · reface CS · reface DX · reface CP · reface YC · 規格 · Soundmondo · 附件 · 支援 ...

reface DX

reface DX · reface CP · reface YC · 規格 · Soundmondo · 附件 · 支援. reface DX. -4個FM聲音引擎; -每個引擎持續多變的反饋; -多點觸控. 實機演示.

Which Yamaha Reface İs Better? : rsynthesizers

The CP is dedicated to electric pianos. The YC is dedicated to organs, tonewheel and transistor. The DX is an FM synth along the lines of the DX7.

Yamaha Reface CP vs DX : rsynthesizers

It seems like the DX might be the more versatile and fun instrument. The sound samples on Yamaha website for the DX with the CloudPad and SolPhase are too ...

Yamaha Reface Series

CP: includes four great electric pianos and a superb effects implementation. CS: fast and easy to use, some great sounds — an ideal beginner's synth. DX: a ...

Yamaha CS, CP, YC, DX Reface Keyboards Demonstration

We test the Yamaha CS, YC, CP and DX Reface keyboards. To stay updated with news, reviews and features on the pro audio world, head over to: ...

Distortion by speakerhousing resonance in the Reface CP (and DX)

Dear Yamaha,. I notice an unpleasant resonance of the housing/speakers of my Reface CP. This starts at a volume of about 60% up to 100%.

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